Wednesday, June 1, 2016

ROSEMARY - for Memory, Hair, Fatigue & many, many more

This popular shrub, with the scientific name Rosmarinus officialis, originated in the Mediterranean. It is very branched, evergreen, with woody stems, small and thin sheets. Its flowers gather in terminal spikes and are blue or whitish color. The whole plant gives off a strong and pleasant aroma.

It is also called "herb of happiness" and its essential oils favor the production of neurotransmitters responsible for welfare. It is widely used as a flavoring environments, having pleasant odor, and enhance the flavors of foods like baked goods, meats, vegetables, sauces and breads.


And who has not heard of the many uses of rosemary? It is one of the most complete herbs in terms of health benefits. Due to its properties, it has become common subject of study scientists. It is a medicinal plant used in the treatment of digestive problems and headache, for example. Rosemary also has many benefits for skin and hair.


What science has discovered:
  • Research published in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology showed that rosemary aroma can help improve mental performance.
  • Moreover, it could increase the speed and effectiveness with which the mind processes information.
  • In the study, conducted by the University of Northumbria, Newcastle (UK), it was revealed that smelling rosemary increases memory between 60 and 75%.
  • According to the survey, rosemary help not only to bring the memories of the past, but also strengthen the memory to remember the simple things of everyday facts, such as dates, tasks or places where you leave certain objects.
  • In addition, the researchers suggest that rosemary aroma also help to stimulate the ability to perform mathematical mental exercises and therefore the prospective memory, which is what allows you to remember actions that we want to accomplish in the future.

But the benefits of rosemary do not stop there.

  • It helps to restore the nervous system after a long intellectual activity;
  • It serves to nerves, stress and anxiety;
  • helps the body to absorb sugar, so it is good for diabetics;
  • is digestive, diuretic and sudorific;
  • It is excellent against anemia, and problems of blood supply;
  • It is excellent against colds and bronchitis;
  • It is indicated for tendinitis and muscle pain;
  • It is indicated for heart problems such as heart arrhythmia;
  • It is great against mental fatigue and promotes its business;
  • is great against memory loss, increases learning ability and concentration;
  • It is great for skin health and against injuries, healing of wounds and burns;
  • It is useful against hair loss and dandruff;
  • equilibrates the temperature of the blood and the whole body;
  • It stimulates metabolism, acting in the liver and improving the irrigation of organs;
  • It strengthens the vital center and acts throughout the body;
  • It acts as anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericide;
  • Balances blood pressure;
  • also serves to help treat mild depression, insomnia, fatigue, headache, migraine, indigestion, intestinal gas, cough, flu, sinusitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers, arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatism, cystitis, irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps and premenstrual tension.


Another good news is that the herb has large amounts of antioxidants, can delay the aging of cells and eliminate toxins from our body.
Rosemary is very rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, vitamin B2, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and calcium.

Rosemary Tea
rosemary tea2.jpg

If you are feeling a great mental fatigue and memory has failed often must go to a doctor to investigate the problem. If he rule out a serious illness, you can be sure it will find a solution to your problem with rosemary tea.

Indications: digestive stimulant and lack of appetite, against heartburn, breathing problems and heart weakness (cardiotonic) against physical and mental fatigue, combat hemorrhoids, antispasmodic (internal use) and healing (external use). Anti-inflammatory.
Preparation: 1 small cup (2 to 3 grams) of dried leaves in half liter of water. Let the water boil and put the leaves inside the capping-the pan and leave standing for 15 minutes after preparation. Take a cup 3 or 4 times a day between meals.
Warnings: Do not use in people with a history of seizures and gastroenteritis. Do not use in pregnant women. Doses higher than recommended may cause nephritis and gastrointestinal disorders. Do not use in people allergic or hypersensitivity to rosemary. Recommended use in people over 12 years.
ATENTION: Consumption of rosemary should not be exaggerated, since the excess can cause diseases such as nephritis or gastroenteritis. Moreover, it is not recommended for consumption by pregnant women or people who present a clinical picture of epilepsy.

Friday, March 18, 2016

“Pitangueira” leaves
A great choice to control your cholesterol

Pitanga, brazilian cherry , surinam cherry or cherry south .

The Surinam cherry ( Eugenia uniflora L. ) is a tree native to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest , which is found in semi-deciduous forest of the plateau and in salt marshes, from Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul in subtropical climates . Despite being typically Brazilian , this species can currently be found on the island of Madeira ( Portugal ) , in South America , Central America, North America (except Canada) and Africa.

Its fruit , the cherry, is very appreciated in Brazil. However it is not marketed because it is very difficult to store .
The popular tradition attributes to the therapeutic qualities infusions made ​​with green leaves of Surinam cherry (Pitanga).

Here are the main benefits that makes the tea of “Pitanga Leaves”, traditionally used:

  • Antioxidant properties ;
  • Excellent for lowering bad cholesterol levels ;
  • Reduces appetite and weight loss benefits ;
  • Diuretic, helps eliminate toxins ;
  • Reduces glucose level in blood, hepls the treatment of diabetes ;
  • Fighting childhood bronchitis , gout , high blood pressure and anxiety ;
  • Controller uric acid in the urine (“drop”);
  • Prevents anemia .

Studies "in vitro", bought some effects of Surinam cherry leaves , such as:
  • Diuretic;
  • Antidiarrheal ;
  • Anti-inflammatory , antifungal and antimicrobial ;
  • Xanthine oxidase inhibition;
  • Antimalarial and trypanocidal ;
  • Hypotensive ;
  • Virus replication inhibition of Epstein Barr virus ( causing the nasofaringial carcinoma) , action of ellagitannins , eugeniflorina D1 and D2 .

Active Ingredients
Jambosina , tannins, calcium, iron and vitamin C.

Heart patients; can cause hypotension in this type of patients .

Studies show that there is no acute toxicity, but there is no data on long-term use .

Monday, February 1, 2016

Gorse Tea,  
A pleasant taste that takes care of your health

Also known as Comon-Gorse (Ulex europaeus), this is a specie of flowering plant belonging to the family of Fabaceae. It is present in zones of Europe, South and North America, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia, and you can find it in wastelands. It is known to resist adverse conditions, where other plants do not survive. Perhaps this explains the nutritional and medical properties if this powerful plant.

Traditionally, its most popular use is in the form of tea. Although, it is also comon in the food or in the production of wine. If you do not know yet this taste, try it! You will be pleasantly surprised.
Several and known benefits of Gorve have been scientifically proven in the last years, which makes its popularity increase.

The main benefits of Gorse tea:

  • Antioxidant properties;
  • Treatment of the flu, fever, cough, irritation of the pharynx, bronchitis and tracheitis;
  • Prevents asthma attacks;
  • Helps treat stomach, intestinal and digestive disorders;
  • It helps in cases of diarrhea or constipation problems;
  • As regulates intestinal transit, benefits the weight loss;
  • Diuretic, removing fluid retention and swelling at the waist;
  • Detoxification of the liver, kidney, pancreas;
  • It operates in purifying the blood;
  • Lower glucose level in the blood;
  • Lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL), has the power to burn calories;
  • It is given to children to treat scarlet fever;
  • Prevents anemia;
  • Some people use in the treatment of jaundice.

Two 2 tablespoons of fresh flowers (chopped to release flavor) in a small pot (500 ml) with hot water and infuse for 7-10 minutes.
Strain and serve.
The flowers can be dried for later use.
If you are using dried flowers, place 1 tablespoon instead of 2.

If you want, add a few drops of lemon.

Indicated doses / treatments:

In diabetes control, place 1 tablespoon of chopped leaves (dried) in 1 L of boiling water, with the heat turned off. Wait about 10 minutes and strain the tea. Take a cup of tea 3X a day.
Make a strictly control blood glucose levels, as it can occur a significant drop and cause hypoglycemia.

To reduce the cholesterol, the ratio is 20g For 1Litre of water. Take a cup of tea 3 times a day.

Care / Contraindications

Despite the benefits the majority of plants can be toxic if taken in large doses. The Gorse is no exception, so when you are using it as therapy, should do moderately and without prolonging the treatment period. There is no intoxication cases information if you drink up to 3 cups of tea per day for short periods.

Pregnant or breast-feeding womens, people with hypoglycemia or low blood pressure (hypotension) should NOT take this tea without being prescribed by a doctor.

If you are diabetic, should consult your doctor before taking this tea, because it can interfere with medicines you are taking.

Prove it and Enjoy the moment ;)

P.S .: Soon we show the best recipes with gorse: Food & drinks!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

QUINOA REAL - Vegetable Protein Complete!

This pseudo cereal of Andean origin, grown in countries such as Peru, where it comes much of the quinoa sold in the world, is recognized as the perfect food.
As is common with this type of food, which now (re) discovered, it was already widely used and appreciated by the Inca civilizations, who considered it a sacred food, which they called chisiya breast - "mother grain".

Quinoa is a super seed with high nutritional power, far superior to most consumed cereal, especially by having a high protein with a complete amino acid profile, being the most complete protein source in the plant kingdom. Unlike other cereals it presents no limiting amino acid (when compared to the standard FAO / WHO), which is usually lysine, methionine or tryptophan. The quality of a protein is defined not only by its content in essential amino acids, but also for its digestibility and bioavailability. The quinoa has a digestibility of 98%, while the other cereals do not exceed 80%, for example wheat is 79% and the 75% rice. These features allow us to say that quinoa is a high nutritional quality protein. As regards their nutritional content, the protein is about 23%, carbohydrates 72% and mostly starch and the remaining fat, mainly unsaturated, linoleic fatty acids (n-6) and linolenic (n-3 ).
It is rich in iron, about 3 times that of wheat, rich in magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Good source of fiber, vitamin E, C, B vitamins and polyphenols. Also in relation to its amino acids, the fact that it is rich in arginine and histidine, essential for babies, and lysine, very useful for vegetarians, makes this cereal a great food for all stages of life and is also a means very single healthy and enrich the daily diet.
Another important feature is that it is gluten-free and can be consumed by celiac and people intolerant to gluten. It is lightly digestion, with nutty and can be used as cooked rice, soups, desserts, popes, added to smoothies, breakfast cereals and yogurt. Also for sportsmen it is an excellent source of protein, contributing to the performance and muscle recovery.
To be rich in lysine is important in the biosynthesis of collagen, elastin and carnitine. Also important in immunity. As in any cereal, are present anti nutritional factors, such as phytates and saponins.
To decrease your concentration should soak the cereal or wash it well under cold running water.
It is no accident that is considered "the perfect food" by the United Nations and the WHO considers a single food for its nutritional characteristics. In the 90s, NASA astronauts set out to find the best grain, the most complete, in order to be sent on flights to Mars or longer distances, and was elected to quinoa.

There is no doubt that this is a food to include in the table of those who want a healthy, nutritionally rich and varied.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

SUN MUSHROOM - Nutritious and Medicinal

Many mushrooms are edible and even considered medicinal. The sun mushroom, or Trametes versicolor, is considered one of them. It is already used for a long time in traditional Chinese medicine. For almost 13 years, came a project that eventually came to the conclusion that the sun mushroom actually has benefits for those who eat properly. This research was conducted at UNESP and managed to be internationally recognized as the details found on the sun Mushroom were essential for people to understand how it really works.

The Benefits:
It has preventive medicinal properties (protective).
Help for the treatment of hepatitis C because it improves the appetite of these patients, who often too slim for the treatment of disease.
The sun mushroom reduces the so-called side effects of antiviral drugs, such as the famous fatigue and nagging muscle aches.
Improved functioning of one of the most important cells, T helper or T helper cell. These cells are responsible for dictating what each of the immune system present to do, how to do and when to stop. Strengthened by the sun mushroom, it greatly improves the "power" of the immune system.
It's not something miraculous, but the sun mushroom can help cancer patients. Some researchers believe that it can prolong the patient's life if used in conjunction with the regular cancer therapies.
Also they say it is good and efficient to: allergies, bronchitis, diabetes, gastritis, pneumonia, skin diseases, hypertrophy, heart attack, problems in the colon, prostate, lung or kidney problems, etc.

Nutritional properties:
Vitamin B1 and B2.

Using doses:
Although widely known and used, what many people do not know is the right way to eat the sun mushroom. They believe that only through the tea you can enjoy all its benefits. However, for each case there is a recommended way intake. For treatment of tumors, for example, you should eat concentrated fractions in which the main active find were present in large amounts. There is also through tea or capsules, whatever you prefer, you should consult your doctor about which one is most recommended for your case. Generally, the tea should be taken about 3 times a day.

should not be taken before a radiotherapy, they may leave the individual more resistant to it. It is also not recommended to use sun mushroom with immunosuppressive drugs without consulting a health professional.