Thursday, January 21, 2016

QUINOA REAL - Vegetable Protein Complete!

This pseudo cereal of Andean origin, grown in countries such as Peru, where it comes much of the quinoa sold in the world, is recognized as the perfect food.
As is common with this type of food, which now (re) discovered, it was already widely used and appreciated by the Inca civilizations, who considered it a sacred food, which they called chisiya breast - "mother grain".

Quinoa is a super seed with high nutritional power, far superior to most consumed cereal, especially by having a high protein with a complete amino acid profile, being the most complete protein source in the plant kingdom. Unlike other cereals it presents no limiting amino acid (when compared to the standard FAO / WHO), which is usually lysine, methionine or tryptophan. The quality of a protein is defined not only by its content in essential amino acids, but also for its digestibility and bioavailability. The quinoa has a digestibility of 98%, while the other cereals do not exceed 80%, for example wheat is 79% and the 75% rice. These features allow us to say that quinoa is a high nutritional quality protein. As regards their nutritional content, the protein is about 23%, carbohydrates 72% and mostly starch and the remaining fat, mainly unsaturated, linoleic fatty acids (n-6) and linolenic (n-3 ).
It is rich in iron, about 3 times that of wheat, rich in magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. Good source of fiber, vitamin E, C, B vitamins and polyphenols. Also in relation to its amino acids, the fact that it is rich in arginine and histidine, essential for babies, and lysine, very useful for vegetarians, makes this cereal a great food for all stages of life and is also a means very single healthy and enrich the daily diet.
Another important feature is that it is gluten-free and can be consumed by celiac and people intolerant to gluten. It is lightly digestion, with nutty and can be used as cooked rice, soups, desserts, popes, added to smoothies, breakfast cereals and yogurt. Also for sportsmen it is an excellent source of protein, contributing to the performance and muscle recovery.
To be rich in lysine is important in the biosynthesis of collagen, elastin and carnitine. Also important in immunity. As in any cereal, are present anti nutritional factors, such as phytates and saponins.
To decrease your concentration should soak the cereal or wash it well under cold running water.
It is no accident that is considered "the perfect food" by the United Nations and the WHO considers a single food for its nutritional characteristics. In the 90s, NASA astronauts set out to find the best grain, the most complete, in order to be sent on flights to Mars or longer distances, and was elected to quinoa.

There is no doubt that this is a food to include in the table of those who want a healthy, nutritionally rich and varied.

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